Micro small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are the pillar and strength of the Indian economy. Right from the beginning MSMEs has played an important role in our country’s progress and we cannot ignore their contribution. As far as the challenge of the sector are concerned, the new government is thinking of solution in an integrated manner. They are trying to make the procedures simple and transparent. India has to improve the ease of doing business for entrepreneurs and industrialists and reform the system to spur the creation of jobs.
The 5th MSME convention organized by AIMA and sponsored by Times Institute of Management & Technical Studies (TIMTS) has been inaugurated by Mr. Kalaraj Mishra, the Union Minister of MSMEs, Government of India. Students and delegates have shared their views and updated knowledge as well. TIMTS has started now taking its steps forward in organizing such events and summits to ensure its participation in Global issues, technology advancement etc.