AICRA Global Artificial Intelligence Summit

The All India Council for Robotics and Automation has announced India’s First ever Artificial Intelligence Summit to be held at Delhi’s Siri Fort Auditorium on 17th January 2019.

The Summit would host over 1000 delegates from across the world, including industry leaders, CEOs and thought leaders working in different market spheres. Businesses are using Artificial Intelligence Technologies to improve their business outcomes and enhance their market share.

The summit is focused on analyzing and discussing real world scenarios where industries and corporate have benefitted from Artificial Intelligence technology.  Artificial Intelligence Experts would discuss various questions with the audience such as:

  • How is AI going to change Businesses?
  • How can Businesses use AI to their advantage?
  • How to plan an AI Strategy for a Business?
  • How to filter the reality, from the many myths surrounding AI?


Participants from across the world would come together to discuss the new innovations occurring in the world of Artificial Intelligence and their foreseeable impact on corporate.
The Summit would hold a range of event including:

  1. Panel Discussions by Leaders and Experts.
  2. Talks by Industry Experts
  3. Presentations by Innovators
  4. Awards honoring the Pioneers of AI
  5. Exhibition of Innovative Products and Services
  6. Networking Events for all

Attendees are looking forward to the informative presentations on the revolutionary technologies: HANA, DOMO, Apptus, Avanade and MindSphere. Panel Discussions on the Role of AI in Academia and Businesses are awaited, along with those on the Indian AI Start-up Ecosystem and Government Policies.

The Summit is being organized by AICRA with the goal of bringing together innovative minds together on one platform, so that India can grow in the field of Artificial Intelligence and lead the world in what is being called the 4th Industrial Revolution.

All India Council for Robotics and Automation invites Exhibitors for displaying their Products and Services at the AI Exhibition Venue. Interested Businesses and Innovators who think their work deserves global attention can apply for exhibition by contacting the AICRA AI Summit Team.
Individuals and Corporate who have done Pioneering work in the Indian AI World, are invited to nominate themselves for the AICRA AI Awards.

Sponsors looking forward to partner with AICRA in hosting India’s First Global AI Summit can contact the AICRA team for the same.


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